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What is deep UV sterilization?
Putdate:2021-01-05     view:    

With the spread of the epidemic, the problem of disinfection and sterilization, which was once neglected, has come into the public's view again, not only out of the importance of life, but also out of the fear of the virus. At the same time, the news revealed that deep UV can effectively kill the new coronavirus, and the public is more curious about deep UV sterilization. So, how much do you know about deep UV sterilization?

1、 What is deep UV sterilization?

If not engaged in related industries, few people should be able to answer this question. In short, deep UV sterilization is a technology. We call the light with wavelength between 200-400nm in nature as ultraviolet light. According to the size of wavelength, ultraviolet light can be divided into three kinds: long wave ultraviolet (UVA), medium wave ultraviolet (UVB) and short wave ultraviolet (UVC). Among them, UVC has huge energy. Scientists have found that although it is harmful to human body, it can kill bacteria and viruses at the same time. Therefore, this kind of light is used in sterilization technology for the benefit of mankind.

1. UVA

UVA belongs to visible light, which can penetrate through the glass to reach human dermal tissue. Long time exposure to UVA light will lead to melanin deposition, making the skin black. Girl's favorite nail industry, baking nail glue nail lamp is the use of UVA light. Many girls who often patronize the manicure shop will doubt that their hands have turned black, which is the "credit" of UVA.

If the irradiation time is longer, it will cause skin aging and wrinkles. This also explains why sunscreen is also needed on cloudy days. Many people have seen the words SPF and PA + on sunscreen, but how many people really understand these meanings?

In fact, PA is an indicator for UVA. The plus sign behind represents the protection time, and a "+" represents 4 hours. Therefore, you can calculate the sunscreen time by looking at the "+" of your sunscreen. SPF is an index for UVB.

2. UVB

UVB is a kind of light that is not easy to penetrate the glass and can only reach the epidermis of human skin. Generally speaking, the damage to human skin is short-term, which can cause sunburn, erythema, edema and even blisters. UVB is more toxic, so the damage is also severe. However, more than 90% of the ultraviolet rays are UVA, and a large part of UVB is blocked by the atmosphere.

The SPF on the sunscreen mentioned above, followed by the SPF, is applicable to anyone. Assuming that the UV intensity remains unchanged, if a person does not take any sunscreen measures, if his skin turns red after 30 minutes in the sun, when he uses SPF20 sunscreen, it means that his skin will not turn red until 20 times longer, 30 * 20 = 600, that is, his skin will not turn red until 600 minutes later.

Therefore, the larger the number after SPF, the longer the sunscreen time. But also do not blindly pursue SPF value, SPF and sunscreen effect is not directly proportional, it varies from person to person.

3. UVC

UVC refers to the ultraviolet wavelength in the 200 ~ 280nm band, its penetration ability is the weakest, unable to penetrate most of the transparent glass and plastic. But it does great harm to human body. It can burn skin in a short time, and it can also cause skin cancer in the case of long-term or high-intensity irradiation. The UVC in sunlight is almost completely absorbed by the ozone layer, so our life is not greatly affected.

In this way, scientists have applied UVC, a short wave ultraviolet, to sterilization technology, and now have the deep ultraviolet sterilization industry. Among them, the UVC led we studied selected is 270-280nm band ultraviolet light.

2、 Why deep UV sterilization?

During the most serious period of the epidemic, the news once revealed that deep ultraviolet rays could effectively kill the new coronavirus. Is it true or false?

This should start from the principle of ultraviolet sterilization.

The high-energy deep ultraviolet photons at 270-280nm can directly destroy the DNA or RNA genetic material of microorganisms (including bacteria, viruses and pathogens), and achieve sterilization effect by blocking their reproduction. The novel coronavirus, which has been ravaged this year, has been proved to be a positive strand single strand RNA virus with outer membrane, so deep ultraviolet rays can kill the new crown virus.

The early UV low-pressure mercury lamp also used ultraviolet to sterilize, but the volume of UV mercury lamp is large, the energy consumption is high, and it is not portable enough in the field of home. UVC LED products are small and can be started immediately without preheating, which is one of the reasons why we choose deep UV sterilization.

In addition, mercury (commonly known as mercury) has a strong toxic effect, and the Minamata convention explicitly prohibits the production and import of mercury containing products from 2020. In the future, UV mercury lamp will be gradually eliminated by the market. Compared with mercury lamp, UVC LED will not produce toxic gas, so the choice of deep UV sterilization is also an inevitable trend in the future.

3、 Deep UV sterilization products on the market and their functions

At this point, many people will be curious, what are the applications of deep UV sterilization in the current market? From the general direction, UVC sterilization technology is widely used in medical system, air conditioning system, disinfection cabinet, water dispenser, swimming pool equipment, etc. When it comes to daily life, it should be kitchen and bathroom, white electricity and personal sterilization.

kitchen and toilet:

We take the chopping board of a certain brand as an example. This chopping board disinfector adopts the design of three boards and three knives, which separates the chopping boards for cutting fish, vegetables and fruits to avoid cross taste. This kind of disinfector solves many people's pain points. It is not only sanitary and convenient, but also can be classified for disinfection.


It is mainly a disinfection robot, which takes the robot as the carrier, combines ozone and ultraviolet light to completely kill the surface and air of indoor small space instead of human beings.

Home appliances:

A brand takes the lead in introducing UVC led sterilization technology into its maternal and infant refrigerator, which has the function of deep ultraviolet sterilization to achieve the effect of clean air in the refrigerator.

Personal sterilization

We found a common hand-held sterilization stick on the market, especially during the epidemic period, this hand-held sterilization stick can play a great role. One key press can sterilize, bring people great peace of mind.

4、 Market prospect of deep ultraviolet sterilization technology

At present, UVC LED has combined with many household brands to sterilize human daily life. In the future, deep UV LED will also be used for static surface sterilization, near static water sterilization, dynamic water sterilization, air sterilization, etc., which will go deeper into all aspects of life.

Research shows that deep UV LED, which is characterized by high-tech innovation, will become a new hot spot of global LED research and investment. We have experienced the conversion from tungsten lamp to LED lamp, and will inevitably experience the conversion from mercury lamp to UVC led in the future. The market prospect of deep UV LED presents a blue ocean.

5、 Summary

New crown before the epidemic, deep UV LED because of its highly effective sterilization, become a black horse in the field of sterilization. At the same time, because of its energy saving, long life and low maintenance cost, it is bound to replace the common UV mercury lamp in the market and run through all aspects of life.

Prev:What is the effect? The U.S. company introduced crystal is's UVC led into its fan products
Next:Principle and advantages of deep UV LED sterilization
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  • Phone:0532-87888760    Mobile:Li Hua 18663973500/18661941877    Address:Yanli Industrial Park, Xifu Town, Chengyang District, Qingdao City, Shandong Province